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Meet the experts for the Breastfeeding Symposium: "Latching on to Freedom: A Global Dialogue On Reproductive Justice For Women Living With HIV"

Writer's picture: ICWICW

Updated: Jul 20, 2024

ICW Global invites you to an impactful Knowledge Exchange Session as part of our ongoing efforts to advocate for reproductive justice for women living with HIV. This session, titled "Latching on to Freedom: A Global Dialogue On Reproductive Justice For Women Living With HIV," will take place on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, from 07:00 - 08:00 in Room 14a/Channel 9.

Women living with HIV continue to face significant challenges despite advancements in preventing vertical transmission of HIV, HBV, and syphilis. Conflicting advice on breastfeeding, outdated policies, coercive practices, and limited resources leave many feeling pressured and voiceless. This panel discussion aims to amplify women-led responses to these challenges, drawing on the lived experiences of women with HIV, advocacy data, and strategies for future autonomy.


Explore into the safety and advocacy surrounding breastfeeding for women with HIV who maintain an undetectable viral load.

Share the complexities and successes of breastfeeding services in South Africa from a healthcare provider's perspective.

Discuss women-led advocacy efforts in healthcare settings supporting breastfeeding.

Meet the experts!

Dr. Dvora Joseph Davey, MPH, PhD

University of Cape Town

Dr. Joseph Davey is an Infectious Disease Epidemiologist with extensive experience in the design, management and evaluation of HIV prevention and sexual, reproductive health programs. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is based in Cape Town, South Africa where she is an Honorary Associate Professor in Epidemiology at the University of Cape Town. As Cape Town Partner Lead for the Global Health Program, Dr. Joseph Davey mentors and supports global health research for postgraduate and medical trainees working in South Africa. Over her career as an Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Dr. Joseph Davey has been actively engaged in global and South African policy development aimed at improving HIV prevention and sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnostics and treatment services among pregnant women and their families in sub Saharan Africa. She is the Principal Investigator on several NIH-funded epidemiologic and implementation science studies on sexually transmitted infections, HIV prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in pregnant and breastfeeding women in South Africa.

Dr Natasha Davies


Dr. Natasha Davies, an experienced HIV clinician, blends clinical, public health, and programmatic roles at Anova Health Institute, South Africa. Natasha's clinical focus is providing quality, compassionate HIV treatment and prevention services for pregnant and breastfeeding women, especially those with advanced HIV or viral non-suppression. She is actively engaged in several national health initiatives, working groups and guideline committees. Natasha also founded the International Feeding Choices Forum for People Living with HIV, INFORM+, uniting clinicians, researchers, and activists from 15 countries. INFORM+ advocates for a global, standardised approach to feeding advice and support for parents living with HIV, fostering research collaborations to close evidence gaps, sharing of unbiased, accessible information and ending criminalization of breastfeeding.

Martha Cameron

ICW North America

Martha Sichone Cameron is originally from Zambia, Africa where she was born and raised. She is the Executive Director for the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) North America. Martha previously worked as the Director of Prevention for Women’s Collective (TWC), a leading community health and human service agency in Washington, DC; Martha is actively involved in various HIV Policy, Advocacy and Research forums including Positive Women’s Network, US PLWHA Caucus and DC Center for AIDS Research. She has a bachelor's in education (English/French)) and a Master’s in Public Health.

Elizabeth Atieno Onyango


Elizabeth is a feminist and human rights defender from Mombasa where she works as the Programs Officer for COSWA (Coast Sex Workers Alliance) KENYA, advocating for HIV and SRHR services for sex workers. She is a young people’s representative for AIDS2024, on the Conference Planning Committee and cochair of the Global Village.

Liz formed Hidaya, an advocacy network of sex workers who use drugs to advocate for harm reduction. She was a lead in the Global Fund writing process and ensured this population was prioritized for services in the concept note. She also co-founded a social media program—Thursdays with Liz and Lee—to decriminalize sex work.

Mariana Iacono

ICW Latina

Mariana is a native of La Boca, Buenos Aires, and holds a degree in Social Work. She is a feminist, educator, history teacher, media activist, and social mobilizer committed to social struggles. She has been active in HIV and feminist networks, collaborating on socio-cultural and communication projects in Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean for over 10 years. She co-founded the Argentine Network of Young and Adolescent Positives (RAJAP) and the Network of Young People with HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mariana has written for outlets like Volcánicas, Midia Ninja, and Vice, and was a columnist for Hoja Blanca.Net in Colombia and Nómada magazine. She specializes in Epistemologies of the South (CLACSO), holds a diploma in HIV, STIs, and Sexualities, and is pursuing a master's and doctoral degree in Communication and Human Rights at the National University of La Plata (UNLP) in Argentina.


Doreen Moraa


Doreen Moraa Moracha, is a dynamic HIV awareness advocate, proudly serves in the Education plus Young Women Leadership HUB. An AVAC Navigator alumni and passionate HIV Cure advocate, she's recognized in the Global HIV Collaboration. A young leader with the International AIDS Society, Doreen co-created the digital advocacy tool, The Youth Hub. From Kenya, living with HIV, she founded "I AM A BEAUTIFUL STORY" to inspire those with HIV. Her lived experience addresses HIV/AIDS related stigma, earning her the Stigma Warrior award in 2020. Doreen,was also part of UN-WOMEN Generation Equality Youth Task Force member where she represented women living with HIV in the gender equality sphere.she’s been amplifying crucial HIV messaging globally.In 2019,she was Commended by WHOAFRO in their campaign TEA WITH HIV, she received the AYP Community Advocacy Award in 2021, continuing to be a beacon against HIV/AIDS stigma.

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