Strengthening Gender Analysis in the PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0

Women living with HIV face a unique and compounded experiences of stigma and discrimination, exacerbated by gender inequality. The People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2.0 (SI) is a standardized research tool designed by and for people living with HIV. Its goal is to gather essential data and evidence on the experiences of stigma and discrimination and their impacts on people living with HIV. The Stigma Index methodology mandates that the survey be conducted by and for networks of people living with HIV, particularly women's networks and major groups, to uphold the principle of Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV and AIDS (GIPA).
The International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) has been a proud member of the original Stigma Index Partnership since its inception. Our regional and national networks, along with our members, have actively participated in previous iterations and country-level implementations of the Stigma Index. This involvement has given ICW deep insights into the challenges that networks face when implementing the Stigma Index, with a particular focus on the unique challenges faced by networks of women. Importantly, we possess singular expertise in understanding how women living with HIV and their networks can be marginalized within the HIV response.
Through our work, we identified a critical need to enhance the focus on the gendered aspects of stigma and discrimination in Stigma Index implementations. We also aim to ensure that the research methodology itself embodies a commitment to gender equity. When implemented effectively, the Stigma Index can create a vital evidence base for networks of women living with HIV, capturing gender-specific experiences of stigma and discrimination. This evidence can influence decision-makers and drive policy and practice reforms to meet the needs of women.
ICW has become a primary technical assistance provider for all networks engaging in SI implementations, in partnership with GNP+, UNAIDS and John Hopkins University. We offer specific support and expertise to ensure equity within these implementations and prioritize gender analysis.
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Realizing Gender Equity in the Stigma Index Toolkit
The Gender Advocacy Toolkit offers step-by-step guidance for networks of women living with HIV to effectively engage in Stigma Index implementations. It is structured into four parts to complement existing Stigma Index resources:
Understanding Gender, HIV & Stigma
Roles in Stigma Index Implementations
Conducting an Intersectional Gender Analysis
Communications & Advocacy
This toolkit ensures that Stigma Index implementations reflect the experiences of intersectional stigma and discrimination faced by marginalized groups, including key populations and those with diverse gender identities.

The International Partnership of the PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0 consists of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW), and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+). The partnership receives technical support from Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
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